At Veri-Tax, the security of your data is our highest priority. We pass annual SSAE 18 SOC 2 Type II examinations, which is regarded as the most coveted and toughest U.S. standard for assessing an organization’s internal controls to ensure consumer data protection in the financial services industry. The Service Organization Control (SOC) 2 Type II certification demonstrates that an expertly trained independent accounting and auditing firm has examined an organization’s control objectives and activities, and has actually tested those controls over time to ensure that they are operating effectively. The SOC 2 requires sustainable internal practices that will ensure the security of our customer data and the longevity of our business. More importantly, the SOC 2 Type II certification provides you with rational assurance and peace of mind that our controls are properly designed, in place, and effectively protecting sensitive client data.
Veri-Tax has established and adhered to strict information security policies and procedures and has been evaluated against 4 Trust Services principles during the SOC 2 Type II examination:
Security – The system is protected against unauthorized access, use, or modification to meet our commitments and system requirements.
Availability – The system is available for operation and use to meet our commitments and system requirements.
Processing Integrity – System processing is complete, valid, accurate, timely, and authorized to meet our commitments and system requirements.
Confidentiality – Information designated as confidential is protected to meet our commitments and system requirements.
We recognize that privacy and security are critically important to you, so we have invested in the latest server, database, backup and firewall technologies to protect your information assets. Veri-Tax’s data center features a redundant suite of security systems, including video monitoring systems, man-traps, card-key systems, hand-scan systems, and a 24×7 team of security officers. The data center is protected by a state-of-the-art two-stage, dry-pipe, pre-action fire suppression system. In addition, a fully monitored, fault-tolerant HVAC system maintains the appropriate climate for data and network system operations.
We employ the use of Transport Layer Security (TLS) encryption when transmitting your private data over the Internet. When you access our site TLS technology protects your information using data encryption, ensuring that your data is safe and secure. Also, all non-public information at rest is encrypted using some of the latest encryption standards available.
Our investment in hardware and software security means that we offer your company, employees and customers the best information security package on the market.